I'm an independent game developer and lifelong artist and writer. I specialize in character design and concept art.
As of May, 2023, I am a graduate of the University of Utah with a bachelor's degree in Games!
I'm also a self taught pixel artist. I currently lack the coding skills to build games, so I work in RPG Maker.
I also made this website from scratch in HTML!
I'm currently looking for work, preferably as a concept artist or character designer, but also in QA,
design, or writing. I also have no preference for company size and am 100% willing to work for independent studios
or small teams! I am also open to working as a volunteer for projects, but only if the project itself is going to be
completely non-profit. Otherwise, I will only provide volunteer work to teams of people I know personally. Sorry!
LinkedIn | viktor.p.hensen@gmail.com